Important information from
Village Hall

Thurlow Fayre Produce Show

At the moment we are uncertain if the Fayre will be going ahead, and if it does, exactly what it will look like. Things may be different from previous years and we are very much hoping we can hold the produce show in person, but, if this is not possible, we will hold the competition virtually. Details of how this will work to follow!

However, there can be no produce show without produce and now is the time to start planning your crops so here are the details for the vegetables and fruit categories.

Additional categories for home produce and crafts etc will follow in the coming months depending on the format of the Fayre.

Entries for all categories are for both adults and children except where stated. Children’s entries will be judged in the following age groups: up to 7 years, from 8 – 12 years, from 13 – 16 years.

Categories for entries:

4 runner beans
Longest runner bean
4 potatoes
4 onions
4 carrots
Longest carrot
4 beetroots
Heaviest marrow
2 courgettes
4 tomatoes
4 peppers or chillies of mixed or same colour
2 cucumbers
Most exotic fruit or vegetable


4 soft fruit (can be mixed or same fruit) (for example, raspberries, strawberries, black-berries, gooseberries etc)
4 apples
4 pears
4 mixed fruit


Bunch of tied herbs, minimum of three different varieties
4 roses
Vase of mixed flowers, minimum of three different varieties

If you have any concerns about the post please contact the Parish Council at….