Little Thurlow Parish Council

Next meeting

19th September 2024. 7.30


The Parish Council meetings are where we get together to try to improve life in the villages. Topics tend to include the prosaic (e.g. reducing speeding, repairing pot-holes, fixing drains) and the fun (e.g. putting on celebrations).  All residents are welcome and encouraged to attend – it’s also where we decide how to spend your money, so come and have your say!

Meetings are held in the Village Hall – please contact the Clerk if you would like to attend

Little Thurlow Parish Council Meeting. 19th September 2024

Little Thurlow Parish Council, Village

Councillor vacancy

Do you have some time to help the village? A vacancy for a councillor has arisen on Little Thurlow Parish Council. For more details, visit the Little Thurlow Parish Council...
Little Thurlow Parish Council, Village

Connect with the Committee

Phil Cracknell
01440 783078
Jonathan Malings
01440 783271
Andrew Dickson
01440 783385
Matt Caley
Juliet Edwards
01440 783929
Jessica Hale
Parish Clerk
Mandy Whitlock
07771 597434

Mandy Whitlock

07771 597434 or

Archive of Parish council minutes

Further Documentation

LTPC adopted the Model Publication Scheme provided by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on 18th October 2016