Little Thurlow Parish Council, probably like every other Parish Council in the land, began wondering in 1997 what special activities it should sponsor to mark the millennium in the year 2000. We wanted to devise a project that would be genuinely local in character, would involve as many people as possible, and would oVer some […]

Appendix 1&2

APPENDIX 1 – Species of birds identified in Thurlow, 1982 – 1999 u = uncommon  vu = very uncommon R = resident  S = summer visitor  W = winter visitor  P = passage migrant Little grebe W Long-eared owl uW Jay R Great crested grebe uW Swift S Magpie R Cormorant uW Kingfisher R Jackdaw […]


Interviews with the Villagers can be viewed here

Lifestyles Today

As the new millennium approaches one becomes aware that our life style has changed enormously in the last decades. Earlier contributions in this volume reveal this clearly, and it was decided to explore these changes a little more thoroughly, so later generations reading this text will have an idea about our current life style. Interviews […]

The Village Shop: past and present

Thurlow Village Stores, 1976 – 1992 Having been accepted as tenants by Thurlow Estates, we moved into Thurlow Village Stores late in May 1976. The shop was once named “London House”, presumably because of the post-run to the capital. It is very old, with small rooms, low ceilings with beams and uneven floors. A very […]

The Women’s Institute

Thurlow W.I. has twenty members and meets on the second Tuesday of each month. The committee consists of the President (Mrs. Sylvia Robinson), Vice President (Mrs. Dorothy Clark), Treasurer (Mrs. Jean Lansdell), Secretary (Mrs. Margaret Ince) and seven others. The W.I. was formed in 1946 with many more members than today ­ there were, for […]

A Village Policeman

Having served in the Navy for sixteen years, at the ripe old age of 32 (ripe for a police recruit) I joined the West Suffolk Constabulary, and for the first two years served as a foot patrol officer in Bury St. Edmunds. At the end of this probation period I was told that I would […]

A Village Doctor

In 1957 I joined Drs. Rupert Barrington and Peter Dagger immediately after the death of Ben Sunderland, who had practised from Haverhill since 1918. So what was it like in Thurlow then? We had a village surgery “next to The Cock”, in the stables of Lavender Cottage. You climbed an outside wooden staircase to enter […]